JB Customer Testimonials

Dear Team, Thank you for another beautiful turkey this year. A perfect Christmas dinner. Will be ordering early again next year and spreading the word to shop locally Wishing you a happy 2018 Denise Alliston
Denise Alliston
Just thought we must let you know we followed the cooking instructions for the crown and it was absolutely perfect - best turkey ever and we always have a bronze just first time a Kelly bronze. We will be back next year!! Happy New Year! Best
Diane Cowmeadow
...the turkey was unbelievable. Everyone said best turkey they had ever had! Thank you...
Tina Harre
Dear JB & Crew, Just to let you know that the turkey crown we had from you was the most delicious we have ever tasted and we will definitely be ordering again next year. Wishing you all the very best for 2015. Kind Regards, Lalleenie Hodson & family
Lalleenie Hodson
Knowing the source-to-table route that our food takes is very important to us. In addition, the fact that our turkey was delivered in perfect time and provided the best tasting Thanksgiving and then Christmas dinner ever, means that we will always go to JB and Chloe in the future!
Max & Kimberly Rogers